It’s Hammer time again, folks. Since yesterday’s post, we’ve learned that SB296, a bill Hammer filed in late February, would give hand-picked Republican election commissioners unchecked power to erase early…
The Boys & Girls Club — an organization that provides youth with safe spaces, mentorship, and educational support— is a pillar of local communities. But now Senator Kim Hammer is…
Hammer’s bills are designed to shut you out of the democratic process Sen. Kim Hammer is running for Arkansas Secretary of State, and if you think he wants to serve…
The push to ditch public affirmative action is back, and it’s uglier than ever. Last session, fifteen Arkansas state senators voted against SB71, Dan Sullivan’s 2023 bill to gut public…
Bad news for those who value government accountability and transparency During routine conflict of interest research, On AR Watch uncovered that Chris Caldwell, the current Arkansas Game and Fish Commissioner,…
The move isn’t about governing but rather ruling with an iron fist In a blatant display of partisanship and disregard for its chamber’s so-called contemplative nature, the Arkansas Senate GOP…
Last night in Charleston, Arkansas, residents packed out a town hall to express their frustration with Governor Sarah Sanders’ seemingly sudden decision to build a massive 3,000-bed prison on the…
Early voting has started in Arkansas, which means a firehose of disinformation has started to target voters. Over the weekend, Pulaski County Clerk Terri Hollingsworth tweeted that she’d received reports…
Voter Suppression in Crittenden County + Anita Bell’s Conflict of Interest Last week, voters in West Memphis, AR got some encouraging news: early voting would be restored. It’s a big…
Campaign finance is where power and influence truly converge— behind every political career is a network of financial backers and influential players. John Thurston’s political war chest is no exception,…