The people of Helena-West Helena, Arkansas have been without clean water for four weeks. This morning their Governor is at the border of Texas and Mexico talking to Fox News.

It’s been almost two months since Sarah Sanders sent Arkansas National Guardsmen to the border of Texas and Mexico. This decision was made in response to a request from the Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott.
In her morning appearance on Fox News she stood in Eagle Pass, Texas, an 11-hour drive from Little Rock.
Remember, Sarah Sanders only takes interviews with her allies, and Fox News is at the top of the list. As we have come to expect, she was given softball questions and opportunities to spread her own message, despite facts to the contrary.
Her talking points were set in stone, as she waxed poetic about her fellow republican governors who are “stepping up” to tackle “Biden’s Border Crisis.” She was also given an opportunity to invoke her former boss and compare him to Biden.
This charade happened while a town in the state she governs has been without clean water for over four weeks. Her lack of action in this matter of survival is astounding, even for a governor who has been clear from the beginning that Arkansas is a mere stepping stone for her.
The bottom line is this:
Sanders left Arkansans behind and traveled over 700 miles to make what can only be described as a political stunt.