When a candidate runs for office, they work to win the trust of their constituents. But sometimes a candidate will fail to comply with state election laws. Colby Fulfer is a prime example. Fulfer is a businessman running in the state senate District 7 special election. The election will take place on February 8th. Here’s what voters need to know:
Candidates, elected and appointed officials, and department heads are required to file a yearly Statement of Financial Interest or SFI. The SFI provides an opportunity to assess a candidate’s fitness for office. Specifically, the SFI allows the public to see if a candidate is beholden to specific groups due to debt, business holdings, creditors, etc. It also shines light on any potential conflicts of interests for candidates. When a candidate fails to report their financial information, the candidate robs the public of their ability to make an informed vote. Moreover, the failure to file the SFI shows a complete disregard for Arkansas’ ethics laws.
Hannah Bruner, For AR People’s content and legislative director, has filed a complaint with the Arkansas Ethics Commission. The SFI was due on November 29, 2021. Fulfer will have 10 days to file his SFI after the commission notifies his campaign.
Can Fulfer be trusted to write laws if he can’t follow them?

Ironically, one main issue Fulfer is running on is “personal freedom and responsibility.” But how can Arkansans trust him if he can’t adhere to his own candidate responsibilities? Furthermore, should constituents elect someone who can’t follow laws to write laws? These are questions that voters of District 7 should be asking as they choose their next state senator.
Perhaps the Fulfer campaign simply did not know the SFI filing was required. Regardless, failure to do so has left voters with more questions than answers regarding Fulfer’s financial interests.
Know of candidate info that’s relevant to SD7 voters? Reach out to On AR Watch.