Arleg adjourns without teacher raises; surplus on the table for next governor. Despite bipartisan support for getting public educators pay raises now, the legislature’s majority voted to end special session…
Last week Senator Alan Clark received penalties from the Senate body after attempting to steal taxpayer dollars. Clark feigned a sincere apology before his colleagues only to turn around and…
The #payARteachers movement has some Arkansas republican scrambling, but the bonuses are bogus. We’ll tell you why. What happens when you catch some #arleg majority members off balance? Panic and…
Alan Clark and Mark Johnson found guilty of violating senate ethics rules Last week the Senate body found Alan Clark and Mark Johnson violated senate ethics laws and adopted ethics…
Blue Hog Report has done an exceptional job of piecing together Trent’s seemingly illegal doubleheader. Here’s the gist: • Garner illegally accepted a position with the Union County Public Defender’s…
No wonder Cobly Fulfer couldn’t get a loan for his campaign for SD7’s special election. In July 2014, Arvest sued Wilkins Homes for defaulting on their loan payment: You can…
Wilkins Homes loan to Fulfer is illegal contribution; Wilkins Homes also received federal PPP funds for a business they no longer own. You think someone with business moxie would understand…
Was Asa’s handpicked redistricting aide, Rett Hatcher, using maps to lobby members of Arleg? Rett Hatcher is the lone aide Governor Asa Hutchinson handpicked and paid to help redraw new…